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时间:2011-07-22 16:25来源:未知 www.yunhepan.com
  索尼网络娱乐公司总裁蒂姆.沙夫(Tim Schaaff)周三表示,4月份PSN网络爆发的大规模安全漏洞对他们来说是一次“伟大经历”。沙夫周三在旧金山MobileBeat大会上谈到4月份的PSN攻击事件时出乎意料的将其形容为一次伟大的经历,索尼一直对该经历感到“十分惊喜”。目前的PSN网络更加安全,沙夫称:“所有一切都已重生,让人惊讶的是所有用户都已回归,网络表现、销量都好于之前。”4月爆发的大规模网络攻击可以说是索尼史上最棘手的问题之一,该问题的解决也让索尼高管们松了一口气,沙夫说:“我们现在要展望未来,看看怎样才能保持网络的增长。”

  “We’re back online, everything’s live again around the world, and the amazing thing through all of this is that the customers have all come back, and network performance is better than ever, sales are better than ever, and we’ve been very, very pleasantly surprised by the experience. And we’re in a place where we’re really looking forward again to what’s next, what’s new, and how we can keep growing the network. It’s a pretty crazy event that we went through but we survived, and we’re back strong, and ready to go,” said Schaaff
  “It’s dramatic but that the lesson we learned from this process is that there are some crazy things going on in the world right now, and in the beginning we were very concerned that we were the focal point for this attack, and it was all about Sony, and what was Sony doing.”
  “I think for people running network businesses, it’s not just about improving your security, because I’ve never talked to a security expert who said, ‘As long you do the following three things you’ll be fine, because hackers won’t get you… The question is how do you build your life so you’re able to cope with those things?”
  “It’s been a great experience,” Schaaff concluded.
  “A great experience?” said Dylan Tweeney, executive editor at VentureBeat.
  “A great experience,” Schaaff replied. “I would not like to do it again. One time was enough. Great learning experience.”

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